18 Sept 2023
Following her maternity leave, Sara is excited to get back to teaching, and recruiting new members for WSB.
Back To Teaching
A Fresh Start
With the Sykes Hall almost complete, I find myself in the very lucky possession of a brand new teaching room. A blank canvas to decorate how I like - within reason!
Mirrors, musical posters and even a piano themed pin board get the ball rolling... watch this space!
What a brilliant way to kick off not just a new school year, but also my return to teaching!
Back to School!
It’s been a pleasure to return to my wonderful schools this term! The first few weeks is always a juggling act of organising timetables. Making sure I take into account swimming lessons, school trips and of course - lunchtime! The next task is memorising the multiple codes for doors, photocopiers and music cupboards. Then remembering which is for which school! Right, now let’s do some teaching!
New & Old!
It’s been so wonderful to reconnect with pupils, some of whom I haven’t seen for almost a year! Both Alun & Dean have done a great job of keeping everyone going - thank you both very much! Alongside this we’ve had a few new starters join the WSB family and I can’t wait to see how they progress through the bands and where their music making will take them! Lots of bright stars of the future!
Bands are back!
Excitingly, not only have lessons started up again, but new school bands too! Dean got the ball rolling at Wantage C of E Primary with a brand new brass ensemble. The children enjoyed it so much that they asked for it to keep going this year! I’m happy to say we’ve made a great start and am looking forward to performing with them in a school assembly very soon. If you’d like me to get a band started at your school, let me know!
Tuba Emergency!
WSB need your help... we’re on the hunt for full size tubas! Do you have one hiding in the loft?! Do you have any ideas on how to fundraise for these fantastic instruments? Some of my pupils look like they’re playing euphoniums, instead of tubas! Please get in touch if you think you might be able to help.
Looking to the future
It’s looking bright at WSB! With the help of Judith, Brian, Sam, Drew and many, many more, we hope to continue to give the best tuition and support to our budding musicians. I was a little anxious to get back into full time teaching again, after the arrival of Herbie, but to have the support of this fantastic organisation is just incredible!
Sara Wallbridge, Brass Tutor